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Welcome to our Newest Board Members

We are pleased to announce that the process to identify two new members of the CMTCA Board of Directors is now completed. All applications were reviewed and ranked against the published criteria. We received a number of applications for the available position. We were very impressed by the demonstrated knowledge, experience, commitment, and leadership of each individual and thank all the applicants for participating in this important process.

Our newest board members are:

  • Paula Jaspar, RMT MEd, from British Columbia

  • Alice Kennedy, BN MBA FCCHL FCHSRF, from Newfoundland and Labrador

photo of new board member

Paula Jaspar has been a Registered Massage Therapist since 1997, and holds a Masters of Education: Health Education and Active Living from Simon Fraser University. She is a member of the College of Massage Therapists of BC and the Registered Massage Therapy Association of BC, and is a trained doula. She is currently Senior Administrator at the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy, and has an active massage therapy practice focussed on women’s health and pediatrics as well as stress management.

Paula has taught in a wide variety of post secondary institutions and has been a speaker for many local and international conferences. She also teaches postgraduate, conference, and corporate workshops and seminars. Her work has been published in the International Journal of Massage and Bodywork, the DONA International Journal, the BC Massage Practitioner Journal, and Today’s Parent.

Paula was born in Newfoundland, raised in Waterloo, Ontario and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia in 1989. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her family of four children and menagerie of rescue animals.

photo of new board member

Alice Kennedy is currently the CEO and Registrar for the Newfoundland and Labrador Council of Health Professionals. Alice holds a Bachelor of Nursing and a Master of Business Administration from Memorial University, as well as Certificates in Health Services Management from the Canadian Hospital Association, and the Health Leadership Program from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. She has a Fellowship with the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) and has an EXTRA Fellowship with the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation.

Alice is a national and international Surveyor with Accreditation Canada and has served in the role of Vice Chair of Accreditation Canada. She currently participates in several National Boards/Associations for Regulators in the healthcare professions. Alice brings the perspective of another accredited profession, and significant experience in accreditation to her work with the CMTCA Board.

Our sincere thanks to all of the individuals who expressed interest in becoming a member of the CMTCA Board of Directors.

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